Today while going to bed, I happened to notice few kittens playing and running around in my garden. While I looked at them jumping around and playing so energetically, it took me back to the time when I was young. As kids I used to play with my friends the whole day and finally in the evening during dinner time my mother would drag me home. That's when it struck me TIME DOES FLY!
My friends with whom I used to play, have all grownup now and are busy with their lives. Funny that as we grow up we get so much busy in our respective lives, that we start taking everyone around us for granted. like taking relations for granted
Almost 8 years into marriage with 2 kids of almost 7 and 6 years each, I have been so busy with my life juggling between being a daughter, daughter-in-law, wife and a mother, that catching up with friends or family seems to be something not less than a miracle.
Frankly speaking (I know people with small kids would agree) I do not remember when was the last time I went for a nice quiet dinner where I have sat in peace over drinks and talks and somewhere in between ordering food!!
Just last week leaving the kids with their grandparents(whom they love!!) My husband and I decided to run away for a day( literally RUN AWAY). We put in a set of clothes in our day pack, sat in the gypsy(did not change our clothes too) and left. The entire way I felt bad that we left the kids home especially since the place we were 'running off' to was their favorite After ages we held hands while driving, I drove(which I do not when we are out with kids), took detours for reaching our destination, and all the crazy things we could think about.
In short it was a refreshing trip, we did things we used to in our initial years of marriage. My point is that we are so busy managing our lives to make it perfect that we forget these little things that make us happy and give us a change from the monotonous work life that we have. Like I said we take relations for granted which is wrong! We need to stop somewhere and just give it a break, we need to catch up with friends, family, kids…whatever and whoever, just have some fun time together. Like I read somewhere, "You can always make money, but it takes vacations to make memories".
My friends with whom I used to play, have all grownup now and are busy with their lives. Funny that as we grow up we get so much busy in our respective lives, that we start taking everyone around us for granted. like taking relations for granted
Almost 8 years into marriage with 2 kids of almost 7 and 6 years each, I have been so busy with my life juggling between being a daughter, daughter-in-law, wife and a mother, that catching up with friends or family seems to be something not less than a miracle.
Frankly speaking (I know people with small kids would agree) I do not remember when was the last time I went for a nice quiet dinner where I have sat in peace over drinks and talks and somewhere in between ordering food!!
Just last week leaving the kids with their grandparents(whom they love!!) My husband and I decided to run away for a day( literally RUN AWAY). We put in a set of clothes in our day pack, sat in the gypsy(did not change our clothes too) and left. The entire way I felt bad that we left the kids home especially since the place we were 'running off' to was their favorite After ages we held hands while driving, I drove(which I do not when we are out with kids), took detours for reaching our destination, and all the crazy things we could think about.
In short it was a refreshing trip, we did things we used to in our initial years of marriage. My point is that we are so busy managing our lives to make it perfect that we forget these little things that make us happy and give us a change from the monotonous work life that we have. Like I said we take relations for granted which is wrong! We need to stop somewhere and just give it a break, we need to catch up with friends, family, kids…whatever and whoever, just have some fun time together. Like I read somewhere, "You can always make money, but it takes vacations to make memories".
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