Finally after a day it was decided to go for the movie with a very dear friend and her kids. So, we got up early that day and just to keep me happy( so that the plan doesn't get cancelled), the kids quietly without fussing finished their milk and breakfast quickly( trust me it's a miracle!) The show was of 12:45 so we got ready to leave by 12.
We got the tickets and proceeded towards the said screen, before entering the hall...all the 4 kids (2 mine and 2 of my friend's) refused to enter without popcorn...once they had their stuff in their hands finally we sat on our seats! The movie started and with all the reviews we had heard, my friend and I had already decided that we would be tortured, so we braced ourselves and started watching the movie.
I have to say we really enjoyed the movie...though the movie had nothing much, especially with the same old story of a small boy robbing banks to avenge his father's death. Uday Chopra was irritating as usual, same acting since Dhoom.
Abhishek Bachchan was looking sexy after a looong time, he was more of an eye candy, it was tough concentrating on his acting because the entire concentration was on the way he was moving.
Yaa...somewhere in between Katrina kaif was coming and going in songs not worth remembering for ladies...yes, for guys she was a treat in the movie but not for a long time(she was hardly seen in the movie for maybe 30 minutes in all)
The best part in the movie was Amir Khan switching from a smart confident man ( performing stunts like Rajnikant) to a mentally slower but intelligent brother.
In between my analysis of the movie I sneek-peeked towards the kids, they were on the edge of their seats during the entire movie, I could hear them use terms like 'O-teri' or 'sambhaal' when one of the characters would jump or fall. During a fight sequence they would be shouting out instructions loudly, when the movie reached the end, the bachcha party wanted to watch it again.
For us the movie really was a big time Dhoom!!
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