"Theory of a victimized mind"( not experienced but heartfelt)
A girl full of life, loved being alive.Loved the sunshine and Lived on smiles.
Yes she was alive!
Love followed by nuptials.
Perfect family, perfect life.
It was the best time.
Being in love was all in the mind.
Maturing not by age but with the trials and errors of life.
Trusting him than self.
Life took a sharp turn.
Ignoring what the mother preached,Learnt the lesson the odd way.
In the blink of an eye,Hated the sunrise and hated the smiles.
Darkness was all around.
There came a smile out of the blue
Seeming to be totally true
Why hide around when there is no guilt
True love reintroduced the sunrise and smiles ! Despite the fight,looked forward to bringing a new life!
Stay positive .
Kya baat..kya baat!