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Thursday, 26 February 2015

You can win-Shiv Khera

Success doesn’t mean the absence of failure,
It means the attainment of ultimate objectives,
It means winning the war, not every battle.
                        -Edwin C. Bliss

I am not a hardcore reader and mostly read books that catch my attention. Waiting for my movie to begin(since I reached the hall early), my friend and I decided to go to crosswords(on the same floor) to see if any new interesting book had come.
So, browsing through the bookshelves, a black cover book reading “You Can Win- Winners don’t do different things, they do things differently” caught my attention and I bought it. The same day after finishing my chores I sat down to read the book and unwind.
                In one sense, You Can Win is a step by steptool to Success, an easy to read, practical, common sense guide that takes us from ancient wisdom to modern day thinking. One thing I like the most about this book is that the author (Shiv Khera) never falls short of providing ways or methods to apply his theory. While reading this book you actually feel like he is talking to you directly trying to explain his theories with the help of stories. From time to time, the book forces the reader to think, introspect and device his/her own plan of action. 
The author has very rightly said that "It is not the polls or public opinions but the character of the leader that determines the course of history." I agree completely with this statement since success comes and goes and so does money,  but character is something which stays with you forever. You may have a lot of money but it is your character that defines the person you are!
  I tried using the 8 step action plan he has mentioned in the book, I wrote them on an index card also but couldn’t keep it up for 21 days, I could follow it only 20% since to follow it completely I would need a constant reminder or a push for the initial 21 days till it becomes habitual, though I did fill in the action plan questionnaire that is available on Pg. 63. It makes us think about our work and answer honestly questions related to the areas we are lacking in or are not paying attention to. The best way to read it is slowly and one chapter at a time, so that the concepts of that chapter are absorbed completely, in plain simple language, do not read the next chapter till you completely understand the previous one and what it tries to impart. The only part I did not like about this book is that it is too long to read and at times it feels like we are being preached!!
 Unlike the many inspiring books available in the market, You Can Win brings meaning to our lives and making work easier for us by simply following and applying his theories in our routine lives.
           In short, You Can Win is a “how-to” book that will take you from dreaming about success to unlocking your potential for success!

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