But this morning I woke up and I realized I was the one who Collapsed!
Taking charge of my life has been tough, there have been moments when I have actually wanted to leave everything and run away! There have been days when it looks like a cake walk, I have had people in my life who have seen me and stood by me in all my lows and celebrated all my highs!

These few months I have learnt a valuable lesson that in the end I need to have peace with myself, I need to stop running after what was and will never be a part of my life again! Its a tough phase but I'll get there!
I have learnt that the people who say they will stay till the end are the ones who leave, so do not depend on anyone but yourself!
I have learnt that instead of getting to know others, I need to know myself! I need to know what makes me laugh, what makes me cry, what makes me angry, what I love! I need to be my best friend again!
I have learnt that my own thoughts are my magic wand and my belief is the magic spell needed to turn my fears into courage. My children are my strength and the only reason to get up and get moving!
I have learnt that I am a POEM, I flow in my own rhythm and rhyme, only a few can understand!
I have learnt I am a Dancer and my life is my Dance!
I have learnt that its my life and I am responsible for making it happy, so no matter what is going on right now, the ending will be a happy one!